Senin, 05 September 2005

Let's Help Our Friends in the Gulf Coast!

I'm on a golf blogging break this week, but I want to urge everyone to please consider making a donation to the American Red Cross 2005 Hurricane Relief Fund. This fund makes it possible for the Red Cross to help nationwide Hurricane disaster victims of 2005 with critical needs such as shelter, food, clothing, counseling and other assistance.

While the major U.S. golf organizations have created the U.S. Golf Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund to provide support to the relief efforts, I believe that funds will be utilized most effectively when contributed directly to the American Red Cross.

It's very easy to make an American Red Cross donation online. They accept amounts as little as $5 (less than 2 Pro V1s!), so everyone can afford to donate something. Or, if you don't play golf, sacrifice that half double decaffeinated half-caf, with a twist of lemon Starbucks Vente latte in favor of a donation!

In addition, my friends over at and are offering to match American Red Cross donations through links on their sites. Please visit their sites for complete information, but here are the basics:
  • Make a donation online through the links on the respective sites.
  • Keep your confirmation email and forward it to a special email address.
  • In turn, these sites will match 100% of your donation until they hit their limits or until September 15.
Please visit the American Red Cross at for the most current disaster updates and stories about the people being helped. Thank you for your generosity.

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