Sabtu, 24 Desember 2005

Happy Golf Holidays and Thanks!

Well, it's that time of year again, a time when I take a break from golf bloggin' to enjoy the holiday season and play some winter rounds of golf. But since I live in sunny So. Cal., winter golf doesn't mean frigid golf. I just checked my thermometer, and it's around 70 degrees. Yes, that's one of the main reasons why I moved here from the East Coast! It won't be a here, and I hope it never will. But before Grouchy Golf hibernates for the rest of the year, I would like to offer a much deserved "thanks" to those who support Grouchy Golf:

  • First, I want to thank my friend ML for providing the impetus to start Grouchy Golf in the first place. She's a great writer chronicling the ups and downs of modern-day housewifery. If she were to ever pen a book, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
  • Thanks to my fellow golf bloggers featured in my blog roll for their support and encouragement. Please try to visit them on a regular basis.
  • Thanks to the regular Grouchy Golf commenters including Dave, CB, Eric, Miranda, MediaGuru, Eat Golf's Rich, The Sand Trap's Erik, WoundedDuck, Wedgehead, JAT, Armchair Golfer, Tom G, Lord Hearteater, Evil Chasmodian, Pebbleby15, Jam Boy, GolfSLO, and Jen Mario. I read all of your comments and I appreciate each and every one (except for the spam, of course)
  • Thanks to Heather at TravelGolf for the much appreciated traffic. She also earns my vote for "Golf Blog Hottie of 2005"!
  • Thanks to Craig Better of Golf Magazine for the nice mention in the March 2005 issue. Until that issue, Golf Digest used to be my favorite monthly golf mag...
  • Thanks to the AOL Internet Radio Show and Podcast "Sports Bloggers Live" for having me on the show a couple of times as a guest. They have a great sports show with some amazing sports guests, myself excluded!

But most of all, I want to thank you, the reader of Grouchy Golf. Without you, I'm just a golf nut writing aimlessly about random golf stuff. I wish you a Grouchy Holidays and a Grouchy New Year!

P.S. GolfDash is currently running a promo where anyone who becomes a member (Free membership) will receive a Free GolfRound towel ($7.95 value). Free is a good deal in my book!

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