Senin, 14 Februari 2005

Brad and Jen of Golf?

On Valentine's Day and in the aftermath of the inevitable breakup of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, I got to thinking - Who are the Brad and Jen of golf? After several seconds, I concluded that there were none. In fact I couldn't come up with a single couple from pro golf, period. Not now, not ever. Tennis has their Agassi/Graf, but what about golf?

Well, I think that there are several reasons why golf would never have a high-profile couple. First, the pro golf tours are virtually year-round with the men's and women's tour events at different sites. Therefore, it's almost impossible for the men and women pros to socialize in a consistent manner.

Second, just take a look at the players on the pro golf tours. Put it this way, if ABC wanted to do a special golf version of their hit show Extreme Makeover, they'd have enough candidates to last several seasons. I envision the first season of Extreme Makeover: Golf Edition, from Bogeys to Birdies to feature Laura Davies, Pat Hurst, Meg Mallon, Tom Kite, Craig Stadler, and Tim "Lumpy" Herron. In the sports world's natural selection process, golf occupies the same place as bowling.

Yeah, there are some attractive pro golfers. But they are very far and few in-between. Natalie Gulbis is the only chick that comes to my mind. Maybe J-Ro, but she looks too much like an ex-girlfriend, triggering panic attacks whenever I see her.

I guess if Gulbis were to somehow hook up with , golf would have a couple to be proud. But as we all know, those chicks always go for NFL guys. I guess the PGA guys will just have to stick with each other's nannies and the occasional groupie. As for the LPGA, do men actually attend their events? I don't know where the LPGA players find their dates, do you?

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