Selasa, 22 Februari 2005

Hottest Golf Product? You Gotta Be Kidding Me

I was talking to a salesman at my local on-course golf shop. I asked him what's currently the hottest seller in the store.

Fully expecting him to say, "the TaylorMade R7," I was shocked when he replied, "the Epoch tees."

"Epoch tees?" I said. "I never heard of 'em."

The salesman handed me a package and gave me the 411. He said that he's been getting calls from all over the country to purchase these tees. Supposedly, Evolve Golf's Epoch golf tees offer the least resistance of any golf tee, resulting in longer and more accurate drives. He said that Ping uses them exclusively during product testing.

I just can't believe that any golf tee would make a material difference to anyone's driving distance, from Tiger all the way down to my lowly self. Really, how much resistance can a tee impose? I mean, does a traffic cone slow down a Mac truck flying down the road at 80 mph?

I just don't buy it. And at $5 for a package of 16 Epoch tees, I doubt that I'll ever buy 'em. Nonetheless, they're still selling out faster than Corey Feldman or Playboy mags in a post-Saddam Iraq. I guess it just goes to show that golfers will pay almost anything to get that extra millimeter of distance. Maybe I'll just take a file to my outdated but free wooden tees and make 'em myself!

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